
Elective Residence Visa Italy [UPDATED 2021] Full Guide

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The Elective Residence Visa for Italy: One of the most trending Italian Visa options.

Why is there a huge demand for joining the Italy Elective Residence Visa Program?

All You Need to Know about the Elective Residence Visa Italy.

Key Points about the Elective Residence Visa Italy:


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The Elective Residence Visa Italy: Introduction.

Many people are looking to move to Italy, for different reasons. 

There are people looking for finding a way to set their residency in Italy, to permanently relocate here with their family members. 

Other people are looking to move to Italy for Business purposes, or investment purposes and as a way to having access to all European Schengen Area, but without enough resources for having access to the Italian Golden Visa.

Or, other people look for an ideal place to living, maybe for their retirement or just to enjoy the Italian “Bella Vita“, so coming here long-term. 

In all these cases, You may find that there is a really appealing way to move to Italy: and that’s the Elective Residence Visa Italy Program.

That’s why, for several different reasons, more and more people are looking into the Italy Elective Residence Visa program as an appealing way to having a European Residency. 

Why Italy? 

Well, Italy really doesn’t need particular presentations: good weather conditions, good food, an incredible historical background, appealing opportunities for business and students, low criminality rate, almost-free High-Quality Public Health Care, and so on. 

Numbers and statistics about Italy from European Commission and WHO Italian Statistics itself are really clear on it. 

Why Italy as destination with an Elective Residence Visa Italy ?

Europe 2020 targets: statistics and indicators for Italy [2015-2020]

That’s why always a lot more people are looking into moving to Italy. 

So let’s see why the Elective Residence Visa Italy may be the best option – and When You can apply for joining the Italy Elective Residence Visa program.


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Elective Residence Visa Italy: ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW!

What is the Elective Residence Visa Italy Program?

The Elective Residence Visa Italy is a category of Italian Visa designed by the Italian Government to let You move to Italy, without working. 

What does it mean?


Generally, then you think to move into another country (and so you start looking for a Visa of that country) you may find that 99% of cases You need a Work Visa or a Student Visa.

So, if you’re not a European Citizenship – so you live outside the EU – 99% of the time you need to apply for a Work/Student Visa. 

That’s bad: you do need to have a Sponsor in that Country (like an Employer), a contract, and generally speaking you need to be covered by a third party already in that Country. 

Good News: Nothing of this exist with the Elective Residence Visa Italy

You can move to Italy without having a Sponsor In Italy, or a job, or parents, or anything else. 

You just need one simple and unique requirement: having enough passive incomes

What does it mean? Let’s see the Italy Elective Residence Visa requirements and conditions.

Other Articles Related to Italy Elective Residence Visa:

Elective Residence Visa Italy: Requirements and Conditions.

The Elective Residence Visa Italy is a 1-year Italian Visa [renewable for 2 years without any limit] that allows You to enter Italy for a long-term stay.

It applies to foreigners who intend to move to Italy and they are able to do that by financially supporting themselves autonomously, without the need for employment.

So, with the Elective Residence Visa Italy, You can come to Italy, with your family members too, without working but only enjoy life, with coverage of all social services offered.

This is actually the best option for relocating to Italy if You have stable and continuous passive incomes. 

This point is very important and often there are denials because of that, as you can see from the official European statistics on Italian Visa

Elective Residence Visa Italy Applications

EU Statistics on Visa Issued (2015-today)

Elective Residence Visa for Italy Approvals & Denials

Statistics on Elective Residence Visa Italy average approvals and denials rate in % [2015-today]

There are several reasons why an Italy Elective Residence Visa is rejected by the Italian Consulates.

Most of the time, the reason is that the applicant for an Elective Residence Visa thinks to be eligible, but he/she doesn’t have enough or eligible passive incomes. 

That’s why it’s important to apply in the right way, but also to be sure to qualify for the Italy Elective Residence Visa.

Indeed, it’s very important to show You have stable and continuous incomes but not from work or any other active behavior. 

A common example is retired people: they have pensions (so certainly stable and continuous passive incomes), and so they aim to relocate to Italy just for living and enjoy life. 

According to general statements on Italian Consulates:
The Italian Elective Residence Visa is for foreigners – retired persons, persons with high self-sustaining incomes and financial assets like HNWIs – who have chosen Italy as the country of permanent residence [or long-term relocation, we add] and who are able to support themselves autonomously, without having to rely on employment while in Italy, whether as dependent employees, as self-employed employees or employees working remotely online. You cannot finance your residence in Italy through any type of work.

So, when it comes to Elective Residence Visa For Italy, there is no a “Manual” or a “Guideline” to follow. 

It does not exist a list of eligible/non-eligible passive incomes to consult. 

All cases are processed on a discretional basis from the Italian Consulates – each Italian Consulate has its praxis, its experience. 

That’s why it’s almost mandatory to hire qualified Immigration Lawyers specialized in Elective Residence Visa Italy

But, Let’s see a little more about the requirements of the Elective Residence Visa Italy below.


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What are the Requirements of the Elective Residence Visa Italy?

As we said above, there is no general checklist or any Guidelines when it comes to proving you have substantial, stable, and continuous passive incomes. 

But, there are some basic requirements for the Italy Elective Residence Visa, that we can list here. 



Passive incomes like financial resources, other than employment, which can be reasonably expected to be stables and continuous over time. 

This is the main requirement as You have to demonstrate you’ll never be a public charge in the eyes of the Italian Government. That is what the Italian Consulate will focus on.

So when we refer to “passive incomes”, it means that You have to show stable and continuous passive incomes.

It doesn’t care so much how much savings You have in your bank account, or the fact you own a big company from which you earn millions. 

These are “active incomes”, so amounts you earn because of fo active work. 

For the purpose of the Elective Residence Visa Italy, you have to demonstrate to have “passive incomes”, so amounts of money you received without doing anything actively. Commons examples are dividends, pensions, royalties, incomes from rents, stable incomes from long term investments, etc. 


You must provide evidence that you already have a place to stay in Italy for long-term permanency.  “Already have” means that You already have the proof of accommodation before applying for the Elective Residence Visa Italy.

Accommodation requirements vary case-by-case, as it also depends on how many applicants and/or family members will move to Italy into that accommodation.
For sure, Hotel Bookings or similar are not accepted as eligible accommodation for the Italy Elective Residence Visa. 


This is also related to “Does Italy Have a Golden Visa program?”

Golden Visa Italy | The Full Guide with F.A.Q.

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The application for an Italy Elective Residence Visa for Italy may be divided into main 3 phases.

The application process is obviously one; we just divide it into 3 different stages just to let you easily understand the entire process. 

On our legal Assistance for Your Elective Residence Visa Italy, we will focus on each phase. 

Phase #1 – Eligibility Check.

Before starting the entire with the Italy Elective Residence Visa procedure, it’s absolutely important to check the potential eligibility for this type of Italian Visa. 

This is an important step we take with our clients, as it’s mandatory for lowering the chance of a rejection of the Visa from the Italian Consulate. Especially, considering that each Italian Consulate decide on applications on discretional basis. 

Each case it’s different – and each person has a different financial situation, which’s not always in line with the Elective Residence Visa for Italy

As explained above during this article, statistics clearly show how high is the average denial rate of the Elective Residency Visa from the Italia Consulates.

Elective Residence Visa for Italy Approvals & Denials

Statistics on Elective Residence Visa Italy average approvals and denials rate in % [2015-today]

So it’s very important not only to avoid self-applications but to be assisted by qualified Italian Immigration Lawyers like us. 

Phase #2 – Collecting all Documents

This is the biggest part of the preparation for the Elective Residence Visa in Italy

As long as each document will be correctly collected, translated, and legalized, then you can submit Your application to the local Italian Consulate.

You will have to be prepared with all paperwork, for Your and your family members (if applicable), before the Consular interview – that’s is a necessary [and strictly personal] step of the Elective Residence Visa for Italy. 

What documents do I need for the Elective Residence Visa?

*Consider that the list is not a full list/each Italian Consulate may require additional documents.*

1. Elective Residence Visa Italy Application Form

Of course, for submitting the application [and that’s valid for all Italian Visas] the documents must be collected as attachments to the Application Form. 

The Elective Residence Visa Application Form is for an individual application: this means that each over18 applicant will have to fill up his/her Form. 

The Form must be signed in front of the Consular Officer, not before.

2. Your Passport + Other IDs + 2 Recent Passport-Size Photos.

You will have to bring Your Passport. 

Passport must have almost 2 blank pages (for the Elective Residence Visa stamp) and must have almost 3 months validity (we highly suggest almost 6 months).

3. Documents related to Your Passive Incomes

Here there is the big part of documents for proving You have enough stable and continuous passive incomes for being eligible for an Elective Residence Visa For Italy.

You need to show documented and a detailed guarantee of substantial and steady economic resources.

A typical example of relevant documents is letters from banking institutions, stating currently available funds. You have to be more detailed as possible, so you need to show: type of account, account balance, and monthly earnings.

4. Documents related to Your Italian Accommodation

You need to secure an accommodation in Italy, before Your application. 

Pay attention: hotel bookings are not acceptable and third parties hospitality are not acceptable too. It has no relevance if You want to stay in an Hotel/AirBnb or similar, because you need to search for a house. You need to make it in advance. 

5. Motivation Letter + One Way Ticket

You also need to explain your goals to move to Italy for a long-term purpose. 

Remember the Elective Residence Visa For Italy is not intended for short-term purposes.

One way travel ticket reservation is also recommended (mandatory for some Italian Consulates).

Phase #3 – After the Italian Elective Residence Visa

The Italian Consulate approved your application and now You have Your Elective Residence Visa

So, what now? What to do? 

After you have your Visa, you may enter Italy and – in 8 days – You’ll have to register yourself at the Italian Authorities and then apply for an Elective Residence Permit, for You and for Your Family members. 

Elective Residence Visa Italy – Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions about Elective Residency Visa For Italy we collected, with a simple list of FAQ we prepared for our future Clients. 

You may find right now the answers you were looking for. 

The Elective Residence Visa Italy is one of the more trending VISA for Italy.

It’s a lesser-known type, designed for foreign nationals who want to live in Italy and have the financial means to support themselves without working.

This is called an Elective Residence Visa Italy (residenza elettiva), and it is mostly used by foreign nationals who wish to retire in Italy – and have the financial means to do so.

You can apply for an Italy Elective Residence Visa, but only if you are able to demonstrate you have stable and continuos passive incomes, which will allow you to live in Italy without being a public charge.

There are several requirements, mainly related to the financial condition of the application: in particular, the applicant has to demonstrate to have a minimum of 32,000€/year of passive incomes

Italian Consulates generally require a little more in order to issue an Elective Residency Visa (i.e. some US Consulates requires a minimum of 50,000/60,0000€, depending on the nature of incomes).

The Elective Residence Visa Italy  applicant has to demonstrate to have a minimum of 32,000€/year of passive incomes, so stable and continuous incomes NOT from his work.

Italian Consulates generally require a little more in order to issue an Elective Residency Visa (i.e. some US Consulates requires a minimum of 50,000/60,0000€, depending on the nature of incomes).

Absolutely yes: Italian Consulates apply really strict interpretations and evaluations on each requirement. 
The Elective Residence Visa For Italy is one the most difficult VISA to obtain.

That’s why we highly recommend to avoid self-applications, and enlist the help of some Immigration  Lawyers like Us, as expert on Italian VISAs.

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