

Problemi Permesso di soggiorno. Cosa fare? Ecco la Soluzione

Ritardo Permesso di Soggiorno? Ecco Cosa Fare! Molti sono i problemi legati al Ritardo Permesso di Soggiorno: Il problema che maggiormente affligge chi richiede il rilascio o il rinnovo del Permesso di Soggiorno (qualsivoglia sia il motivo sottostante all’applicazione) riguarda il ritardo da parte delle Questure. Molto spesso infatti, se non addirittura nella quasi totalità […]

Problemi Permesso di soggiorno. Cosa fare? Ecco la Soluzione Read More »


Ritardo Cittadinanza Italiana: Tempi di Attesa e Cosa Fare

Ritardo Cittadinanza Italiana: Cosa Fare?  Hai inviato la Tua Domanda di Cittadinanza Italiana anni fa, e ad oggi nessuno ti ha più risposto?  Hai inviato la Tua domanda di Cittadinanza Italiana e c’è totale silenzio da parte del Ministero o Prefettura?  Hai inviato la Tua domanda di Cittadinanza Italiana più di 4 anni fa?  Se

Ritardo Cittadinanza Italiana: Tempi di Attesa e Cosa Fare Read More »


Elective Residence Visa Italy Application: What You have to Know

Elective Residence Visa Italy Application: What You have to Know The Elective Residence Visa Italy Application in one of the more trending immigration argument: Among all the available Italian long-stay visas, there is a lesser-known type for foreign nationals who want to live in Italy and have the financial means to support themselves without working.

Elective Residence Visa Italy Application: What You have to Know Read More »

選擇性居留簽證(Elective Residence Visa) - 意大利選修居留簽證 1

選擇性居留簽證(Elective Residence Visa) – 意大利選修居留簽證

意大利選修居留簽證「選擇性居留簽證」准許計劃在義大利定居,而且在財力方面可以自給自足、無 需靠打工維生的外國人進入義大利,並在義大利長期居留。 意大利選修居留簽證 / 選修居留簽證:一般信息 申請人必須提出適當的書面文件,證明其在義大利已經安排好居住處所,並擁有 穩定、良好的收入來源,而且該收入在日後仍然可能維持不變。該收入不得低於 31,159.29€/年(義大利內政部 2000 年 3 月 1 日規定的年收入的三倍)。 這些收入必須是諸如申請人的可靠財源(退休金、養老金)、房地產、穩定的經 濟/商業行為或其他非屬打工所得的來源。 申請過程 步驟                                      項目                                    

選擇性居留簽證(Elective Residence Visa) – 意大利選修居留簽證 Read More »

Italian Dual Citizenship: 1948 Cases and Citizenship through Female 2

Italian Dual Citizenship: 1948 Cases and Citizenship through Female

Italian Dual Citizenship: 1948s Cases and Italian Citizenship through Female Ancestor If you’re applying for Italian citizenship through a Female ancestor (i.e. Italian Citizenship through Grandmother), you may fall into the category of those who do not qualify. As we already spoke about Italian Citizenship by Descents application here,  There is a significant subset of people who,

Italian Dual Citizenship: 1948 Cases and Citizenship through Female Read More »

italian citizenship by descent italy citizenship descent italian citizenship ancestry

Italian citizenship by descents Grandparents Ius Sanguinis

ITALIAN CITIZENSHIP BY DESCENTS GRANDPARENTS aka ITALIAN CITIZENSHIP by IUS SANGUINIS As we previously described about common legal issues for Italy Citizenship by Ancestry, Italian citizenship is granted by birth through the paternal line, with no limit on the number of generations, or through the maternal line for individuals born after January 1, 1948. This

Italian citizenship by descents Grandparents Ius Sanguinis Read More »

investor Visa Italy italian investor visa italy golden visa investor-golden-visa-italy-investor-visa-itay-investment-visa

Italian Investor Visa Tax Benefits: Pay Less Taxes!

Italian Investor Visa. As previously talked in this articles about the Italy Investor Visa, and some of its benefits as stated on  Investor Visa For Italy:Why Italy?,   the 2017 Budget Law introduces in the Immigration Law a new “Italy Investor Visa”which will entitle foreign investors an advantageous treatment, only provided that they will carry

Italian Investor Visa Tax Benefits: Pay Less Taxes! Read More »

Attraversare la strada col cellulare: la responsabilità del pedone 3

Attraversare la strada col cellulare: la responsabilità del pedone

Attraversare la strada col cellulare: una cattiva diffusa abitudine che può costare molto caro. IL CASO Una donna,  investita mentre attraversa la strada per salire sull’autobus da un automobile intenta a superare l’autobus in sosta, cita dinnanzi al Giudice di Pace il conducente, il proprietario  della vettura ed il FGVS per sentir accertare la responsabilità

Attraversare la strada col cellulare: la responsabilità del pedone Read More »

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