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Is it possible to apply for Italian Citizenship by Descent by avoiding the Italian Consulate?
Read this guide, and we’ll tell you how to go about it.
We understand how difficult it is to secure an appointment at the Italian Consulate.
And we know it isn’t easy to book your consular Italian Citizenship appointment.
Our team receives several of these queries from clients.
Asking how they can apply for Citizenship when it’s impossible to get an appointment.
We hear you.
Here below are a few frequent questions, we receive.
Hello, we are ready to apply for Italian Citizenship by descent.
We search on Google for “Italian Consulate Los Angeles appointments”.
But there’s no way to book. Can you help?
Hello, we cannot apply for Italian citizenship Jure Sanguinis.
We search on Google for “Italian Consulate NYC appointments“.
But the Consulate suspended all appointments until further notice.
Can you help?
Many of the inquiries are the same.
All people are trying on getting solutions on Google, digitizing “Italian Citizenship appointments NYC“.
Or the same referred to other Italian Consulates.
Like the Italian Consulate in Miami, in San Francisco, in Philadelphia, and so on.
Several clients have spoken to us.
They asked us if they could apply for Italian Citizenship without securing an appointment at the Italian Consulate.
Thankfully, this guide can tell you how to successfully apply for Italian Citizenship without an appointment at the Consulate.
Please read this guide and let us know if you have questions or clarifications.
We are more than happy to assist you.
But first, we’ll tell you how to book an appointment at the Italian Consulate.
Helpful Tips in Booking an Italian Citizenship Appointment at the Consulate
There is one thing to keep in mind.
We suggest you try booking the appointment as soon as you have already started the process, not when the documents are ready.
It’s always best to schedule it ahead of time.
Book the appointment as soon as you have started collecting all the essential documents you’ll need.
To book an appointment for Italian Citizenship, go to the Italian Consulate website and register under PrenotaOnline.
Follow the instructions on the website and check if you can see the available appointments.
You’ll find two colors in the online booking calendar: black and red.
Black means appointments are still available.
While red means “fully booked.”
However, keep in mind that the Italian Consulate doesn’t accept appointments daily.
They usually let applicants apply on certain days.
What does that mean?
Booking an appointment at the Italian Consulate is similar to winning the lottery.
Translated: It’s Completely Impossible.
Is the PrenotaOnline System the only way to book an appointment?
Yes, and Italian Consulates specify this on their websites.
The only way to book an appointment with them is through online booking.
We have heard of some companies selling appointments, and some clients buy them.
Please remember that this is illegal.
Should you get caught, the Italian Consulate will only cancel your appointment.
It will be a waste of time and money on your end.
Some applicants get lucky with the online booking system, but it rarely happens.
Most of the time, dates are all fully booked.
Thankfully, we have the workaround to this.
Do you qualify for Italian Citizenship by Descent?
Write us! And send us your Family Tree.
We will check it.
It’s free.
How to Apply Without Booking an Appointment?
We understand how frustrating it is to wait.
You can take several months preparing for your documents.
And then, you cannot book an appointment at the Italian Consulate.
Please don’t lose hope because we can help.
We know how you can finalize your application for Italian Citizenship by descent.
There’s a solution to this, and we will explain this to you in great detail.
You can apply for Italian Citizenship without booking an appointment at the Italian Consulate.
How to Apply for Italian Citizenship by Descent
The only way to claim your Italian Citizenship is through the Italian Court.
You will need to go to the Civil Court in Italy and file your petition.
The judge will review the documents.
And he will decide if you qualify for Italian Citizenship by descent.
The good thing about filing the petition in Court is that there is no need to go to Italy to do this.
You don’t need to do anything because we can help you file for the petition.
Since it’s a judicial process, an Italian lawyer can assist and will represent you.
What is the best way to apply for Italian Citizenship by descent in Italy?
The best way to apply in Italy is through the Italian Court.
As we said, you do have not to come to Italy.
We, as your Italian Citizenship attorneys, can assist you.
And we can represent you during the entire process.
You understand this application path is way better than going through the Italian Comune (Municipality).
In this last path, indeed, you need to be an Italian resident.
And so, you have to be here in Italy.
You can avoid this by giving us Power of Attorney.
How Does it Work?
Filing for your Italian Citizenship at Court is a complex process.
This is why you must seek the help of a qualified and experienced lawyer.
Do you want to ensure success?
Everything should be prepared and filed accurately.
We will divide the process into two phases to understand it better.
Phase 1.
Preparation of documents and evidence of your Italian Citizenship.
To get Citizenship, you’ll need to prove that you are Italian and why you’re taking the court path instead of going to the Italian Consulate.
So to do this, you must attempt to book an appointment first.
It’s the only way to prove that.
You need to prove the reason you’re taking the court route.
So proving that you were not able to secure an appointment at the Italian Consulate.
In the Italian language, it’s called “interesse ad agire.”
You should prove that your case has a solid foundation for Italian Citizenship.
How do you do this?
Ensure that you saved all emails from the Italian Consulate of the cancellation and the booked calendar.
It’s important to take screenshots as proof.
However, please note that this isn’t legal advice, and it might be different in your case.
It’s best to consult with a lawyer for proper guidance.
You also need a lawyer to help you represent you in Court.
It’s a valid suggestion if you live in the United States.
And cannot come to Italy.
How to Apply for Italian Citizenship by Descent if I can’t book an appointment at the Italian Consulate?
Learn how to file for Italian citizenship by descent without having to make an appointment at the Italian Consulate. Contact us because we have the solutions.
Phase 2.
Recognition of Italian Citizen by Descent without the appointment at the Consulate.
After preparing all your documents, the lawyer will file your application at the Italian Court located in Rome. [Pay Attention to the 2022 Updated below, as the competent Court will change]
A New Rule in force from June 2022.
It’ll be valid for 1948 cases of Italian Citizenship.
And for all Italian Citizenship applications through the Italian Tribunal.
You can apply for the 1948 Case through the local Immigration Court.
Based on where your Italian ancestor was born.
The Italian Government introduced this new rule in November 2021.
Law 26 November 2021, n. 206, has provided (with art. 1, paragraph
37) the following new rule.
“When the plaintiff resides abroad, disputes regarding the ascertainment of the status of Italian Citizenship are assigned having regard to the municipality of birth of the father, mother, or ancestor of Italian citizens.
The provisions apply to proceedings initiated from one hundred and the eightieth day following the date of entry into force of this law “.
It means that all Italian Citizenship by descent applications won’t pass through the Court of Rome.
As it happened until today.
It may also be beneficial for new applicants.
Indeed, the processing time may be lower than before.
Within 30 days, the Court Clerk will register the case.
The Court will assign a judge to your case.
Because the Court chooses judges randomly, there’s no way to know who the judge will be.
The hearing date is usually within 14 – 18 months.
Keep in mind that it takes up to two years to file it at the Italian Consulate.
So, the application through the Court is still the faster way to apply.
The judge will review all documents and proof of your Italian heritage during the hearing.
The judge will decide your Italian Dual Citizenship in a few weeks.
Why will the judge recognize my Italian Citizenship at the Court?
Do you have a legal basis for this type of process?
We have a case dated April 17, 2018, at the Italian Court in Rome.
That case was one of the firsts on a long series of judicial precedents.
We will explain you what happened in that case.
That case was one the judicial precedents which settled the new application path.
Here is what happened during that case.
The applicant had all the documents needed to file for Citizenship by descent.
He tried several times to book an appointment at the Consulate, but it was just impossible to secure one.
Because of the backlog, he still couldn’t book an appointment even after two years of waiting.
We decided to apply to the Italian Court in Rome.
He provided proof that it was impossible to book an appointment.
We took screenshots, we wrote the Italian Consulate asking them to manually book the appointment.
Of course, the Italian Consulate never did that.
He won that lawsuit.
He won the case because he could prove that it was impossible to get an appointment at the Italian Consulate.
The same case happened the same year.
The client tried to book an appointment but couldn’t, so he decided to do it in Court.
He won the case as well.
However, keep in mind that there is no guarantee that the Court in Rome will grant the client Citizenship.
There is an excellent chance to win, especially when you have all the proof needed.
We suggest hiring a good lawyer to help you walk through the process. Contact us!
It’s the only way to increase your chances of getting your Italian Citizenship.
Italian Citizenship Jure Sanguinis Minor Issue: Navigating the Process in 2025
Wondering if your Italian citizenship claim is affected by your ancestor’s naturalization while his child was still a minor? This “minor issue” in Italian law, specifically the Italian citizenship jure sanguinis minor issue, could complicate your jure sanguinis application, especially for children born in other countries. In this article, we’ll explore what this issue means, […]
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Check if you qualify for Italian Dual Citizenship through Descent!
It’s easy, and free.
The rules for acquiring your Italian Citizenship by Descent.
Most importantly, you must not have renounced your Italian Citizenship.
As mentioned, applying for Italian Citizenship by descent can be confusing and very stressful.
You must hire the right professionals to help you with this.
Experienced lawyers can help evaluate your case and help you win your Citizenship in Court.
We have been helping out clients for several years.
You can trust and rely on us when it comes to helping you file for your Italian Citizenship.
We know how it works.
Are You Planning to Acquire Your Italian Citizenship by Descent?
Bersani Law is a law firm committed to helping out clients like you.
We are Italian citizenship lawyers that know the ropes.
We can walk you through the entire process and explain how it works.
Our goal is to help you successfully get your Italian Citizenship by Descent.
Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us for assistance.
We can give you a free evaluation of your case.
Frequently Asked Questions about Italian Citizenship appointments.
How do I make an appointment for Italian citizenship by Descent?
There’s only one way to reserve an Italian Citizenship appointment at the Italian Consulate.
You need to register to the Prenot@mi Website.
Then login, and reserve your appointment on the Calendar Form.
The Italian Consulates don’t allow appointments in other ways.
So, they don’t reply to requests by email, phone, mail.
How long does it take to get Italian citizenship after applying?
The Italian Citizenship law no. 91/1992 set the maximum wait time in two year.
So, you should receive your Italian Citizenship by descent after two year.
Starting from the day you filed the application.
How long does it take to get Italian citizenship in Italy?
It depends on the application path you take.
It may takes not less than 6 months – 1 year if you apply through the Italian Comune.
It may takes not less than 1 year if you apply through the Italian Court.
How do I make an appointment at the Italian Consulate in New York?
We found on Google there are plenty of researches like “Italian Citizenship appointment NYC”.
Or like “Italian Consulate New York appointments”.
Well, right now, you cannot book any appointment.
The Italian Consulate in New York suspended all appointments for Italian Citizenship by descent.
So, if you are resident in New York, you need us to apply through the Italian Court.
How do I make an appointment at the Italian Consulate in Miami?
We found on Google there are plenty of researches like “Italian Citizenship appointment Miami”.
Or like “Italian Consulate Miami appointments”.
Well, right now, you cannot book any appointment.
The Italian Consulate in Miami suspended all appointments for Italian Citizenship by descent.
Or, they have more than 5 year wait time for the first appointment.
So, if you are resident in New York, you need us to apply through the Italian Court.
How do I make an appointment at the Italian Consulate in San Francisco?
Did you search on google for “Italian consulate san francisco citizenship appointment“?
Here is how you can make an appointment.
We found on Google there are plenty of researches like “Italian Citizenship San Francisco citizenship appointment”.
Well, right now, you cannot book any appointment.
The Italian Consulate in Miami suspended all appointments for Italian Citizenship by descent.
Or, they have more than 5 year wait time for the first appointment.
So, if you are resident in San Francisco Bay Area, you need us to apply through the Italian Court.
How do I make an appointment at the Italian Consulate in Philadelphia?
We found on Google there are plenty of researches like “Italian Citizenship appointment San Francisco”.
Or like “Italian Consulate Philadelphia Citizenship appointments”.
Well, right now, you cannot book any appointment.
The Italian Consulate in San Francisco suspended all appointments for Italian Citizenship by descent.
Or, they have more than 5 year wait time for the first appointment.
So, you need us to apply through the Italian Court.
How do I make an appointment at the Italian Consulate in Houston?
We found on Google there are plenty of researches like “Italian Citizenship appointment Houston”.
Or like “Italian Consulate Houston appointments”.
Well, right now, you cannot book any appointment.
The Italian Consulate in Houston suspended all appointments for Italian Citizenship by descent.
Or, they have more than 5 year wait time for the first appointment.
So, you need us to apply through the Italian Court.
How do I make an appointment at the Italian Consulate in Chicago?
We found on Google there are plenty of researches like “Italian Citizenship appointment Chicago”.
Or like “Italian Consulate Chicago appointments”.
Well, right now, you cannot book any appointment.
The Italian Consulate in Chicago suspended all appointments for Italian Citizenship by descent.
Or, they have more than 5 year wait time for the first appointment.
So, you need us to apply through the Italian Court.
How do I make an appointment at the Italian Consulate in Los Angeles?
We found on Google there are plenty of researches like “Italian Citizenship appointment Los Angeles”.
Or like “Italian Consulate Los Angeles Citizenship appointments”.
Well, right now, you cannot book any appointment.
The Italian Consulate in Los Angeles suspended all appointments for Italian Citizenship by descent.
Or, they have more than 5 year wait time for the first appointment.
So, if you are resident in California, you need us to apply through the Italian Court.